

就业中心 & 职业


在经济不景气的时候,研究生院可能看起来像一个安全的避风港, but you’ll find that there’s a lot to consider before making this leap: finances, 时机, 动机, 申请流程, 就业安置率, 和更多的. Read below to find out what you need to do to get ready and when you need to do it to make a successful transition from college to graduate and professional school.


  • 为了实现你的长期职业目标,需要读研吗?
  • 获得更高的学位是你一生的目标吗?
  • Will earning an advanced degree open more opportunities and be a great investment in the long term?

文章| 如何选择研究生院




  • 开始头脑风暴永远不会嫌早!
  • 和职业教练谈谈你的兴趣和职业目标.
  • 与你专业的教师联系,讨论可以考虑的选择和领域.



  • 明确你想从事的研究领域.
  • Speak with advisers, professors, and career counselors about your interest in graduate school. 寻求意见和建议. 记住,你要向你的老师索要推荐信. 他们就越了解你对研究生院的兴趣, 他们写的推荐信就越强.
  • 研究机构和项目.
  • 联系学校并访问他们的招生网站获取申请表格, 申请的最后期限, 课程列表, 以及经济援助信息.
  • 收集有关经济援助的信息:奖学金, 奖学金, 以及研究生和助教奖学金.
  • 注册并准备任何必要的研究生入学考试, 比如GRE考试考试, 考试, GMAT考试, 或称称MCAT. Medical and law school applicants will need to register for national application services: AMCAS for medical school and LSDAS for law school.


  • 参加研究生入学考试.
  • 继续收集招生、项目和资金信息.
  • 拜访未来的学校, 如果合适的话, 和招生人员谈谈, 当前的学生, 和老师.
  • Draft application essays/personal statement and set up an appointment with the Writing Studio to review your essay/personal statement. 修改,修改,再修改!



  • 参加研究生入学考试,如果你还没有参加的话.
  • Request 推荐信 from faculty and supervisors who know your work. Try to ask at least one month before the deadline and provide them with information about the program you are applying for and why you want to attend.
  • 根据学校要求, 收集并提交你的申请, 包括入学考试报告, 官方成绩单, 推荐信, 以及申请论文.
  • 完成必要的财政援助申请,如FAFSA, 以及奖学金和奖学金的申请.


  • 了解入学面试是否是申请过程的一部分.
  • 一旦你收到录取决定, consider visiting institutions or speaking with faculty and 当前的学生 if you haven’t already. 向你的支持系统寻求帮助来评估你的选择.
  • 制定一个应急计划,以防你没有被任何项目录取. This might include working, interning, volunteering, or taking relevant courses.
  • 一旦你决定参加一个项目, 通知其他你还在等待你的计划的机构.
  • Send thank-you letters to your recommendation writers, letting them know your plans.



收集您感兴趣的节目信息. 看看这些网站:

  • Gradschools.com 按专业、学位类型、在线、地点或大学浏览课程.
  • 特森.com Discover what school is right for you, test preparation, scholarship search, and other resources
  • USnews.com Find the best grad schools with access to school rankings, school data, and helpful advice




  • 达特 |牙科入学考试
  • GMAT考试 |管理学研究生入学考试
  • GRE考试 |普通考试
  • GRE考试 |科目考试
  • 法学院入学考试考试
  • 称MCAT |医学院入学考试
  • 燕麦 |验光入学考试
  • VSR |兽医学校要求


考试 | 称MCAT | NCLEX-RN ——可汗学院
我的GRE考试导师 达特 | GRE考试 | GMAT考试 | 考试 | 称MCAT | 燕麦 ——普林斯顿评论


文章| 如何写研究生的个人陈述

文章| 如何写一份成功的研究生个人陈述


The personal statement is an opportunity for you to present your qualifications and reasons for choosing a particular graduate or professional school. Your statement should persuade the selection committee that you will be successful in their program and have the potential to contribute to the profession.



  • 关于你个人的一些真实事实
  • 学术成就
  • 与研究生项目/专业相关的经验
  • 任何导致你选择这个项目的学术、个人或生活经历
  • 你为什么对这所研究生/专业学校感兴趣
  • 未来的目标


文章| 如何获得研究生院推荐信

文章| 给推荐信作者的细节


The letter of recommendation is the part of the graduate school application that students stress most over. 就像申请过程中的所有元素一样, 你的第一步是确保你明白你在要求什么. Learn about 推荐信 early, well before it is time to apply to graduate school.


推荐信是代表你写的信, 一般都是本科教员说的, 这说明你是攻读研究生的好人选. All graduate admissions committees require that 推荐信 accompany students’ applications. 大多数需要三个. How do you do about getting a letter of recommendation, specifically a good letter of recommendation?



Begin thinking about 推荐信 as soon as you think you'd like to apply to graduate school because developing the relationships that are the foundation of good letters takes time. 说实话, the best students seek to get to know professors and get involved regardless of whether they are interested in graduate study simply because it's a good learning experience. Also, graduates will always need recommendations for jobs, even if they don't go to graduate school. Seek experiences that will help you develop relationships with faculty that will get you excellent letters and help you learn about your field.


仔细选择写信的人, keeping in mind that admissions committees seek letters from specific types of professionals. Learn about what qualities to look for in referees and don't fret if you're a nontraditional student or one who seeks entry to graduate school several years after graduating from college.

来源:Kuther, Tara, Ph ..D. (2020年2月11日). 如何获得研究生院推荐信. 从检索 thoughtco.com.


The Best Ways to Ask for a Recommendation Letter There are plenty of do's and don'ts for obtaining the best recommendation letter possible but how you make the initial request is often most important. 在提出写信的话题时,做以下三件事.

当面询问通过电子邮件寻求帮助是没有人情味的,而且这是一个很大的帮助. 你的教授有礼貌正式提出你的请求吗.

预约: Arrange an appointment and explain that you wish to discuss your plans for applying to graduate school. This gives your professor time to consider whether they feel able to help you by writing a letter before the meeting even happens.

给足够的提前通知: Ask for the letter as far in advance as possible and don't spring its deadline on a faculty member at the last minute. Tell your professor the due date ahead of time so they can make an informed decision about whether they can follow through.

一旦你完成了所有这些事情, be prepared to discuss why you believe the chosen faculty member is a good candidate to write the letter of your behalf. Your professor will want to know why you value their perspective in particular before making their decision about whether to help. If they agree to writing the letter, move forward with the process by giving them what they need.

永远把“不”作为答案,不要让教授重复. 如果老师拒绝给你写信, 他们可能有很好的理由,你不应该强迫他们. Similarly, if a professor seems hesitant but agrees, consider asking someone else. 一封不温不火的推荐信比没有推荐信还糟糕.

来源:Kuther, Tara, Ph ..D. (2020年2月11日). 申请研究生院推荐信的注意事项. 从检索 thoughtco.com


Write a thank-you note for the time and effort that the faculty/staff member put into writing on your behalf. 跟进并分享你的申请状态以及你被录取的时间. 他们会想知道并庆祝你的成就!


样本 申请查询表格

Use a system such as an application tracking form to stay on top of application requirements, 费用, 网站链接, 最后期限, 当所有的事情都完成的时候核对一下.
